Sunday, April 24, 2011

For Amy Tan

Playing MaJong

On a rainy day

Balance of power and grace

Wisdom and strength

Lives yet to live

Pairs yet to match

Hoping to meet face to face

Sunday, April 10, 2011

end lines

Parentheses- subjugated, slighter bride                     (afterthought)

She haunts my every inspiration
lesser, but always in mind
speaking when allowed

Hypertext- new story, waiting to be clicked                         blue

I make of her my Jane Eyre
Moor of fiery melancholy
Living tutor leading on

Ellipsis- three full stops, imagination                         what might have…

We can never be a novel
Tide and time against
Character and plot

Monday, March 21, 2011


Hair like water or
Water like hair 
flowing down the dam:
Rapunzel of spring, 

Thaw this heart,
puddle my footsteps
as they search for you
on this concrete wall.

And where she
drops her hair time can
not keep from dancing
her steps below swirl

freebubbling beneath 
ice like rice paper
above gives way
to this boiling ball.

Barefooted, she twirls 
her wedding gown around
making giddy guests and I
jump the new rainfall.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Easter Overture

Silhouettes and shadows recall the fire of the night before
ashes merely cold in dewy morning
Dull monotonous cricket like
the starlings together fill the gray with noise
A blackbird
now another sounds the flooded landscape

Then without warning from
the east
a mourning dove steps up not quite in perfect thirds
Then west
another dove returns the call more perfectly

A blue jay hides in silence till grief
the prophecy is fulfilled and her heart now breaks so quickly
thrushes take up the triumphant praise of
the pink tincture now threatening to bleed the sky

More doves moving
The robin cradled in the dogwood cocks his head while
another pulls at the earth

In the distance
a woodpecker hammers at bark and the sky changes
Doves disappear as
the lone cardinal vested in glorious red swoops
south and over the fence and down and out of sight

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

1st draft

folllowing upon the reading and analysing of  Roxane Beth Johnson's poem Birth/Rebirth we brainstormed specific images from the Keswick winter retreat to compose a 1st draft.  Here is my attempt (please comment and give me some critique):

smiles, tears, microphone, guitarhands and drumstickmelody
from above heads gathered in arms
shoulders merge with hair
like a knot, or better still a rose
whose bud opens by confession
now blooms with compassion

tears water tender shoot
while the garden listens
glistens with recognition of
self, thorns and petals
protection, regection projected
and received

Sunday, February 6, 2011


A dappled dreamscape
comes alive
where hooves of horses
overhead leave airy white patterns
a paddleboat below
huffing along churning up
voluminous blue ripples

I on the mountain
the syncopation
of the hoofbeats and splashing water
wondering what other auditory evidence
an archetypical sunset
dream should hum

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Slow the rising, falling sea

Knees wet below
chest above dry
watching waves (counting)

We turn like cowboys in the saddle
reignless but tethered we lie flat
looking right then left
stroke and stroke
which way will it break?
who has position?

I lean back and out
and watch shoulders and head on
a horizontal elevator bob slightly
below, above the line
the spray, the pirouette

And then back in the saddle
I turn and wait in
the slow falling, rising sea

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

ones and twos making threes

Were we to speak in binary code
perhaps we would be what we think:
the robot, the puppet, Calvin’s clown and Eliot’s straw man.

But story, mystery
endures, secures where numbers battery,
cold, unrecyclable graphite tools its way to the bin.

He spoke beyond binary opening to an end
where His brother found another way home.

Story, mystery and
paradox lead the way to revolution
bloody change on Sunday
or any other day for that matter

Palm Sunday, communion, afikomen: the geld,
silver returned and hung by the neck    

At last the story, the mystery, leaves in leather, and gilded edged history
fades into history- a barking dog across the street fear or flight
a saxophone spiraling down genetic code and fitted parts